The Australian Baptist Easter Offering

A thousand churches,
grateful for Jesus,
sharing him with others.

Resources for Promotion

1. A little planning...

So you can give clear guidance, first decide whether your church will:
(a) Collect the offering internally and forward the total to Crossover as one lump sum (allowing you to set a target amount, know how much is given, and top it up if needed), and/or
(b) Encourage your community to donate directly via

2. For the lead-up...

These promotion items are best used in services, mid-week communications and meetings before Easter. 

3. For on the day...

We know (and love) that you’re expecting guests at your Easter services. These resources help you to introduce the offering in a simple and visitor-friendly way.

4. For Afterwards...

Please pass on our thanks to your church:

Pay-in Information

Thank you so much for your contribution. Below are 3 ways to forward the funds. If you need to contact us, use or (08) 9868 9236

By Electronic Transfer:

Account Name: The Baptist Union of Australia
BSB: 704 922
Account Number: 100 008 872
Reference: Please write “CO” and then your church name

Please also complete this short form to help us reconcile the contribution:

By Cheque/s:

Please make cheques payable to The Baptist Union of Australia Inc

Download, print and fill in the form below, and send it with the cheque/s to:
Level 4 MALC
5 Saunders Close

By Credit Card:

Please click the button below to process online

Alternatively call our office on Tuesdays or Thursdays on (02) 9868 9236